
Jersey, Big Lloyd, and Tate.

I've been a huge animal lover since I was little. I remember my Dad coming home with a little duckling and I played with it so much it actually died. I guess I loved it to death (I'm not sure if this is something I should be making jokes about)! Turtles, snakes, frogs, cats... you name it, I've probably had it or attempted to buy it! Currently, I have a few pets. Jersey (boxer) is my childhood dog that lives with my parents. He is more like a brother than a dog. He looks like he is getting old because of his gray snout but its crazy how offensive it is when people say that I have an old dog. Tate is our Golden Retriever. He is definitely a daddy's boy. Whenever we come in the house he frantically tries to find anything he can to fit in his mouth and give to us. He really is the best dog. Now I can't talk about Big Lloyd without mentioning my recently deceased Little Lloyd (her cage is still set up in memory). Big and Little (for short) are my albino leopard geckos. I got Big Llyod first 9 years ago and Little a year later. They are pretty old for geckos with tails still in tact. Big Llyod has been having eye problems for a few months now. Kelly usually chops the heads off of meal worms while I hold Big and we hand feed him now since his eye sight isn't that great. Then, there is Poco. Oh Poco (the hedgehog). There are so many stories about Poco the great escape artist but that's a whole other blog. You can really ask any of my college room mates about a Poco story and they will have a great one for you. Ask me personally if you'd like to be entertained numerous times!



 Tate (er-Tot)



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